originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Very active UK based D2 player here. Have been active since D1Y1 launch. Warlock main, but active on all three characters.
I am a clan founder currently, however the clan is no longer active due to members/IRL friends dropping D2 at CoO. Would love an active group to raid/run PvP with.
I'm on most evenings, and especially enjoy Friday night raid runs.
https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3241991 We are new second clan of experienced PS4 Destiny and Destiny 2 players. We enjoy all the content from PVE, Nightfalls, Raids and Strikes. PVP wise we might not be the best but just like having a laugh killing others or each other in private matches. IAF is mainly UK and US based but we welcome all from around the globe. This is our second clan on destiny so our main rule for joining us is that you must sign up to our discord server, so we can arrange events between the two clans. Our Website is http://inarduisfidelis.clanwebsite.com/ We also have a Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/groups/198771600817213/ Our Discord Server Invite https://discord.gg/TYbJvsc If you have read to here then "Do it for the puppies!!!"