I know this may get buried in feedback, but I feel as though many feel the same way I do about the current state of the vault. In a word: terrible. Given the forsaken expansion is less than a day away from launch, I think it's time to address vault storage organization crisis. Since we are getting yet another expansion in space it will be more so irritating than ever to manage items effectively. Items should be sorted by weapon type and armor type that is more readable than the current congealed mess. Personally I think we should have separate tabs for each weapon type and armor type at the very least. Ideally, it would be better if we had class specific tabs for titan, warlock, and hunter armor as well. I know there is a change to armor set collections coming where we can buy back armor and weapons we've obtained, but given that random rolls are back in play it's crucial we be able to access our gear in a timely fashion.
If anyone can, spread this around so we can get this trending! Thanks in advanced!
Here’s to hoping brother!