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Just wanna chill and play destiny. Wanna get back into the game, could use a clan
(PS4)(NA)(18+)(Casual/Mid-Core) The Vanguard Brotherhood - Open to New and Returning Guardians https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1584465 Clan Name: The Vanguard Brotherhood Motto: "There is a Light in you from which no Darkness can Hide." System: PS4 Country/Time Zones: EST to PST. On weekdays, clan activity tends to be higher after work hours, and throughout the day on weekends. A little bit about the clan: • We are a PvE content clan with an estimated 75/25 PvE/PvP split with raiding usually being our highest priority. We are looking for other like-minded 18+ players to run with. • We are mostly Casual to Mid-Core players who love playing and hanging out together. • We expect our members to have fun and be respectful of each other. Everyone should be willing to learn and self-reliant. We’re looking for players that want to experience all the game has to offer at a high skill level while still having fun. • We use a PSN message as our main source of communication but have a Discord as well. Membership isn't required to be in the clan but highly encouraged, it definitely helps for grouping up, general questions, etc. If you would like more information contact me on PSN under the username getzy331. If interested please request to join our group over on bungie.net at The Vanguard Brotherhood. After you have been accepted you will be added to the PSN message and sent a Discord invite. Lets have fun!