I honestly feel bad for everyone that was unable to get the Redrix Claymore. Especially to those that REALLY tried. I just made a post not long ago saying that it sucks that they took away that positive weekly gain for just participating in competitive. It almost screwed me out of getting my Redrix.
I FINALLY got it last night, 2 days before the drop of Forsaken. And I was playing competitive ritually for the last month, I even gave up on some of the dawning gear in hopes of getting the Redrix. And I’m slightly upset to have missed out on it being a completion-ist and all. But I feel bad for leaving my real life friends behind in Competitive in securing the Redrix. It wasn’t something I could do with my clan mates and help them and so I’m hoping they take this quest route more so over the competitive route. Either that or make Glory ranking a lot more forgiving.
One of the BIGGEST lessons I've learned about the D2 community is that most of the hype surrounding weapons is not warranted. Most weapons are overhyped. Ikelos shotgun, thought it would be a beast, the thing has such low stability that it bounces/recoils after each shot thereby making headshots very difficult. Midnight Coup, I got it .... it sits in my vault collecting dust. I think the Claymore is the same, although I respect those who ground for it. The only weapons that have been worth the hype, imo, are: Whisper of the worm, Sleeper Simulant, and Polaris Lance. Every other weapon I've earned seems to have been overhyped.
I agree with you. I also played, if not religiously, enough that I jad to spend the past week actually trying to grind. Highest point I got was 1935 while pushing through the loss streaks from the Ddos and other cheating. Just got off after another loss streak down to 1895 when a Ddos got me temp banned 1 hour prior to maintenance. I was planning to grind right ip until the maintenance window. Bungie should just give the gun away to anyone who made it to at least rank 2.