[spoiler]I think the big reason why people don't have this stupid weapon is because Destiny 2 competitive was an awful gaming experience for some because it was too much like trials, was boring and long as hell, had a losing streak just to piss you off, and also there are DDOSers at the end of your rank career to make your day special by making you suspend for being kicked out of the game.
Also the game modes should have been clash and control, not trials, and the weapons should have been D1.[/spoiler]
Upvote if you don't have this weapon!
Anyone is free to share their thoughts and opinions about not having this weapon!
[b]edit:[/b] I just realized Intimate Storm = Claymore = wishbringer = Badly thought reward by Bungie = Fake weapon of glory = Meh, only dweebs have this weapon and they should be mocked for wasting their time and being fools! 🤷♂️
[b]edit 2:[/b] Broadsword is the true weapon of glory! It’s going to cut fools claymore in half and also their fake glory and foolish pride.
[b]edit 3:[/b] Whoever has the claymor is a "DWEEB!" Feel free to deleate it to avoid being called a "DWEEB!"
[b]edit 4:[/b] I think the claymore is a fake knockoff of Redrix’s Broadsword..... 🤔🧐
[b]edit 5:[/b] Whoever does not have it should be grateful that they are not a dweeb and are not tainted by fake glory! 👍
[b]edit 6:[/b] OP = dweeb in my post because they worked a deal with year 1 pvp, either by DDOSing or just being "good" in Year 1 pvp, but they are bad in Year 2 pvp. So I feel sorry for them! 🤷♂️
[b]edit 7:[/b] [b]REMEBER[/b]: Whoever has redic's claymore (AKA FAKE REDRIXS BROADSWORD), or really gave a crap about Year 1 pvp is a DWEEB!
[b]edit 8:[/b]
Someone who gave a crap about awful year 1 pvp (awful pvp) or has the claymore: A DWEEB (Awful year 2 pvp player and person of fake glory)
Someone who has neither the broadsword or the claymore (fake broadsword): A "HUMAN" (A person who is alright)
Someone who has the broadsword and does not have the claymore due to not giving a crap about year 1 pvp (awful pvp): A PRO (A person of true glory and good Destiny pvp player) (ALSO KILLS DWEEBS)
[b]edit 9:[/b] A picture of an extreme mutation of dweeb (cause: extended period of playing too much year 1 pvp or using too much claymore): https://yt3.ggpht.com/a-/ACSszfGMpbNs5qxdF2dr3PZPeBbPMzCnyOA8wm-Hfg=s900-mo-c-c0xffffffff-rj-k-no
[b]edit 10:[/b] I am acctually amazed that over a thousand people saw this post!
[b]edit 11:[/b] Claymore holders (dweed) shall be tested to see if they really are dweebs or redeemable humans. Add me to test if you are worthy to be in year 2 pvp!
I honestly feel bad for everyone that was unable to get the Redrix Claymore. Especially to those that REALLY tried. I just made a post not long ago saying that it sucks that they took away that positive weekly gain for just participating in competitive. It almost screwed me out of getting my Redrix. I FINALLY got it last night, 2 days before the drop of Forsaken. And I was playing competitive ritually for the last month, I even gave up on some of the dawning gear in hopes of getting the Redrix. And I’m slightly upset to have missed out on it being a completion-ist and all. But I feel bad for leaving my real life friends behind in Competitive in securing the Redrix. It wasn’t something I could do with my clan mates and help them and so I’m hoping they take this quest route more so over the competitive route. Either that or make Glory ranking a lot more forgiving.