Look i get thay some weapons are stronger than others but my currently problem with some exptic snipers is that most of them are kept in the heavy slot.
And unfortunately with forsaken the new QueenBreakers Bow is also a heavy but why?
Lord of wolves of a special weapon that takes special ammo but queen breakers is in the heavy slot for no apparent reason.
Currently i think there is only one exotic sniper in the special slot and i cant understand why maybe queen and darci arent in special.
It feels like you are limiting my weapon choice when it comes to snipers and thats not fun.
Please consider changing some of the ammo requirments and slot potitioning for some of the exotic snipers.
I was pretty sad when I learned this. I was a beast in PvP and PvE in D1 with my queen breakers. I get it, it’s a linear FR, but considering the QBB never hit that hard overall it was basically a sniper with spool up. Any sniper worth his salt could generally drop it in a hallway engagement in D1 Also sad dregs promise never returned after all the good things they are doing with sidearms now.