So I was thinkin, since screebs are a thing now, I would really like to see a yellow health version of one. Maybe as a call back to the original Sepiks Prime strike from destiny 1, I would love more than anything to see a Screebis Prime who maybe commands other screebs into battle or something along those lines. This isn't a complaint or anything I would just genuinely be very happy if I saw a screeb mini boss of sorts
[b][u]SCREEBIS PRIME[/u][/b]
Screebs are basically better versions of Cursed Thrall, and are terrifyingly strong for what they are. If there was a massive one, it would probably take out a third of the Shore.
<It's just an army of Screebs led by one giant, Kell-sized Screeb. That's the whole strike.>
S C R E E B I S P R I M E. THIS N E E D S to be a thing now. I love it. I want to cherish it forever.