Honestly, I don't see the point in crucible right now. in PVE they are amazing. Especially the trinity ghoul. That thing is sick. But in crucible, you as well use a sniper and get 1 shot precisions. If you head shot with the bow, the enemy has plenty of time to get to cover before you can even load another arrow. They are fun but really outclassed by any sniper.
Hell no, I've used the bow a little and it's next to impossible to use unless you have the twitch reflexes of a God and I haven't run into anyone like that yet. Try Ace of spades 1 and 2 shot people. 3 shots? People are high I get merked by that thing. Back to hawk moon and thorn 2 shots. Feels bad when you don't have the only real 2 shot pistol in the game.
More or less it’s Cruci-Shotgun
The bow really isnt even that good. Honestly just stop getting blind sided lmfao
I got my first hate mail using the bow so i’m happy.
All I ever wanted was to say... ...My name is Oliver Queen...
Trrr Dish.
it’s honestly fun though lol, a bow and two snipers is the most fun i’ve ever had in this game
Don't care. Having fun. 😎👍
Yep, all the kids who can’t snipe use them and think they’re mlg, can’t wait for the aim assist nerf and increased flinch
I will say I see less shotguns in PVP. I guess they were never a problem
No HUD git gud
It is fun.
It's because it's a new weapon type and for my personal i like bow it's great but if you miss your shoot you'r dead because you need time to charge arrow and it's very easy to evade a bowman and kill it
I dunno, I like the bows but they're too iffy. Hip fire has too little accuracy, ads has far too much accuracy, I feel the arrow hit the target when I know my aim is off. But then it doesn't even insta kill either while it's basically a linear fusion rifle... Overall they're meh, but I don't mind them... They could just be better
I upvote just because my friend pronounced crucible always like that :’D
Zavala face palms caydes dead body