I think that [url=https://youtu.be/J7QAUtfiQs8]Labyrinth of Refrain[/url] game I noticed the trailers for is why I’m making this thread, but it’s certainly not the first game that’s offered a chance to build your own party, persons involved and all. I think of a few other games that let you build your own adventuring party.
When given a chance to choose 4 classes to build your own adventuring party, how do you typically build them? Do you provide go with a classic setup of fighter, mage, thief and cleric? A couple of hard hitters with two types of support behind them? Declare that rules don’t stop you and beat the entire game with just a jester or something?
This is the type of party I [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VGJGXMUhmc]assemble[/url]