Throughout the campaign we are constantly reminded of how thin the line between light and dark is; not just from the general voice over, but by the Fanatic, and Uldren as well. This entire time we’ve thought that we were the constant hero that was unconditionally protecting the last of humanity.
However, we seem to be nothing more than glorified bodyguards of the traveler seeking to do nothing but selfishly retain the power we’ve been given. Granted, there are those who are obviously antagonistic like the Hive, but for the most part it seems like other species (like the Fallen) are simply trying to either establish, or reestablish themselves with the Traveler.
Honestly, most of the events to this point are of our doing; especially with the Fallen. Kudos to Bungie’s writers for including this tid-bit of moral questioning in this expansion. It really makes you question our intentions as guardians.
“It’s not the what, but the why we are doing something”
I always saw it as Cayde being Forsaken by the vanguard. Think about it, Zavala stonewalled any attempts to avenge him, and though Ikora wanted to invade the reef, she eventually gave in.