Just wondering if I'm being extra salty with how my games in crucible go or if it's reasonable to ask for some adjustment to the mercy rule. Because, honestly, most of the matches I'm in are either won by at least 30-40 points or lost by 30-40 points. Like, yeah, you can pull through in something like capture if you manage to get a couple points held for a while, but most of the time if you're losing by 30-40 points... You're not coming back from that. There's a reason there's that huge lead.
For myself when that happens, which is [i]often[/i], it just feels like... Why bother? We're going to lose anyway, there's literally nothing I can do to help. And once it's at that point I'm not having fun, it's just a slog to get killed over and over and over to get it all over for minimal rewards. At one point, albeit last season (3), I was in a game that was 40 - 105 with 5:31 left in the match. Can you guess how that went? Who won? At least at that point it was over quick, but really... If you get a lead that far ahead there's no reason the mercy rule shouldn't kick in and let you get to a new, better matched game ASAP to get the feeling of having your teeth kicked in away.
Check my last few games. I’m not bragging, nothing we did was impressive (just farming noobs), but they just highlight how broken the mercy system is. In the last 5 games that I played, 4 of them were mercies. I died once out of those 4 mercies. The score of one game was 90-17, another was 90-18, another was 62-7! Why do I have to wait all the way until that point for the game to end! I am clearly gonna win. And why does the enemy have to wait that long for it to be over. They will not comeback when we are 40-50 points ahead that early in the game. Why didn’t the game end when we were 52 points ahead! Mercies currently work as follows: Control- if one team gets to 90 before the other gets to 30 Clash- if one team gets to 60 before the other gets to 20. Control should end way earlier. If we get to 60 points and they are yet to get 15, it should end. They aren’t winning. Clash is a little better but maybe turn the 60 down to 50. This is just boring for both ends.