I’m a vet of Destiny 1 and I’ve played a lot of Destiny 2. But I’m looking for honest opinions for Forsaken. I know no game is ever perfect, there are always flaws. I’ve watched plenty of reviews and read articles and I cannot find anything that really says no, don’t get this dlc. But I know some reviewers are pretty favored about Destiny, so I figured I’d ask everyday fellow gamers. I’m mostly considering because I want to know what happens, the lore, and everything else as it m pretty bored with gaming. I lost interest because 95% of my friends and clan went to Fortnite and show no sign of returning.
So here’s to a fresh start - worth it, wait, or just please God no, no, no, noooooo!
Update - I ended up buying Forsaken and enjoying it so far. Thank you for the opinions everyone!
I'd say buy. Even if it's just the base 40$ version. But I'm a Destiny fanboy...so I'm a bit biased. If you're on the fence, wait a few weeks. See how the reactions to the Raid go and if Bungie nerfs all the good things players seem to be enjoying while patching or overfixing things not on the "Help us Bungie" list.