Sparow Racing League was probably the best live event from Destiny 1 and I havent heard many people asking for it back. Im curious, Does anyone still care abour SRL? Or is everyone looking for more regular combat based live events? I think the new mod system for weapons would transfer over amazingly to sparrows and with all the crazy new sparrow types we have now, Id love to see them used for something interesting. As it stands right now I believe the vehicle gameplay in D2 is one of the most underdeveloped features in the game and Id love to see that improved with something like SRL. Who Agrees?
Leave a reply if you vote so we can keep this thread relevant and let Bungie know theres still a demand for more SRL.
I would also like to hear from anyone who would rather see Bungie focus their attention on other aspects of the game. Anyone think SRL is a waste of development time that could be spent on better content?