originally posted in:Clan Finder
I'm an adult looking to join an active PC clan. I like to raid and primarily do PvE activities. Active daily, also dip into PvP. Really like gambit more so then crucible.
I don't have any cool copy pasta like most clans, as I feel its more personable to just reply, but whatever. Anyway, Phogoth's Bath Water is now open to recruiting some new folks to grind Forsaken. We like to raid a lot once Last Wish becomes available and are looking for fun, easy going people who will chat in discord. Not really any super hardcore requirements. We are mostly adults and while we don't take a lot of things too seriously, we do raid a lot and would like for another person to join that we can grind out powerful gear and stuff. So lemme know if you're interested and I can invite when server maintenance concludes.
We are ThoseBois, we are building a community for active player. For the PvE players we have Raids, Nightfalls, Strikes and Heroic missions. PvP players will also probably find a home. Joining means that you care about ThoseBois community. Our admins will try to make your experience the best possible. You are helping with that by using our discord to helpout other members. https://discord.gg/pdbQ5yv (requierd) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3053052 (PC EU)