Hey guys, we've been around since January of this year, always growing and staying strong. We're transitioning into a super active clan. We're sitting at 200+ members between three clans, and looking to connect a huge community of active members. By doing this we have a 21 day sign in policy that is and has been enforced by me. No skill requirements, just a positive attitude, and a willingness to improve and learn! But hey I'd be bragging if I said we don't kick butt on the regular. No age restrictions, no timezone preferences, we're all vets by now and I know there's more people out there in need of a support network that really gets what it means to PLAY Destiny.
Please join our discord! https://discord.gg/WzeSP2
Reclaimers of Destiny I (Open): https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=3000425
Reclaimers of Destiny III (Open): https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=3093134
PS we have a Blind Clan Raid scheduled! Still some spaces too :D
Bump da bump!