This is a challenge.
Edit: somehow a good majority of these made me laugh.
In the grand scheme of the universe our lives are meaningless specks. Humanity will fade quietly into the dark, forgotten forever. Everything that you’ve ever accomplished will be erased, every joy you’ve ever felt will die just the same as you.
Well if you're happy, then technically you're sad because as you clearly are aware happiness is a disease that you have failed to find a cure for
[i]"Life is like getting aboard a ship that is about to set out to sea.....and sink."[/i] ---Zen aphorism.
Go commit die.
Look at that group of kittens Now look back at me Look at that group of kittens Now back at me Look at that group of kittens Now look at my hand You see what’s in my hand... [spoiler]THE SPANISH INQUISITION[/spoiler]
How to cure happiness Page 1: today we will learn about a box not just any box but a cube read well now Page 2: this cube is a cube within a cube within a cube within a cube with a fourth wall Page 3: to figure out this cube simply guess how many sides then the name of this object used in a hypothesis. Page 4: after thinking revert back to page 3 for page 4 [spoiler]now you are officially cured by a boring story yw[/spoiler]
Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong.
Watch Marley and me. No skipping the end.
Hi babay, you have a schweet azz!! Shake it by the window and show ke what you are working with!
Cure your own weakness you damned nerd.
Watch I Am Legend [spoiler]that damn dog scene![/spoiler]
Aldi final boss - old
You’ll end up homeless, mumbling to yourself in an alley. -
Everything we hold dear: Love, morals, justice, selflessness, government, careers, education, music, games, meaning, family, hope, etc. Is stuff we made up to make us feel better about how life is ultimately meaningless and that nothing we do truly matters and that we are actually these selfish horrible beings just waiting to be reduced to ash.
Let me guess, someone stole your sweet roll.
People are idiots Murder is bloody If you die Everyone will steal your money
Your mum has the big gay
kanite raid oh geez oh god oh -blam!-
Have you played Morrowind?
... There is nothing left to research... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
I killed half the people in the universe. Apparently this makes many people unhappy for some reason, I was just doing what had to be done
- Teacher feeds sick puppy to snapping turtle.
You're tacky and I hate you
Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Plageius the wise?
I hate you and all the bands you like.
You’re dumb