Microsoft is pretty bad for passing the buck, unfortunately you’ll have to keep working with them.
The only thing I can think of, is the account you’re trying to redeem the code on the same account that was used to purchase the first two DLCs?
I had the honors of the nine shader and have the flawless emblem but the shader does not show up in my collections.
Unfortunately if the item was not in your inventory or vault when collections launched, it will not be retrievable.
Could I still get the shader from dismantling an item that currently has it equipped.
I’m not sure if it is guaranteed. Many shaders are not guaranteed when dismantling.
Is it possible though?
I’m not sure if it is possible.
Is it possible though?
Is it possible though I have many items and I’m sure I would eventuallly get it.
O could I get it back from dismantling armor that has the shader on it.
Has there been any update on a fix for the dlc?
Thank you for the fast responses
Yes I had the season pass for both aswell but I guess I’ll just have to call them again and push harder maybe get my money back and just find a new game