I have 9 possible exotics I could get from random drops, 4 armor and 5 weapons. Why did I get a Riskrunner (which I already had) when I bought the fated engram. I'm getting sick of this game screwing me over. That's 97 shards down the drain.
They kinda announced that the fated engram only works for Y1 exotics...
I'm always amazed at the number of people who know how to find the forum but apparently never read the News that is found in the same app.
Fated engrams loot pull is year 1 Weapons are universal but armour is tied to classes. Make sure to approach him with the armour on a class you don't have. Nothing from Forsaken onwards will count.
Seriously?!?.....what the heck ever happened to common sense.....you seriously thought you’d be able to get a guaranteed new exotic just from shards (which lets be honest are just as common as glimmer at this point).....I didn’t need bungie to tell me it would be y1 exotics.....I must be one of the last few on the planet “gifted?” with apparently not so common sense anymore.....smdh
Fated only drop pre-forsaken exotics