Edit: I’m sorry to everyone out there hoping to join but we are now full. I’m sure there’s another clan out there with enough space to take you great guardians on, though, you’ll find it :)
Hi, we are a small casual clan hoping to grow into a great base for guardians of all types, doing all kinds of stuff. We don’t care whether you are a crucible god or that one guy who falls of a cliff whenever they summon their sparrow, our main aim is just having fun.
If you see this post, interested or not, please give us a like so the post will stay in trending for a little longer and more guardians can see us. If you are interested, send me a message or reply to this post and I will send you an invite ASAP(as soon as possible). And if you find it isn’t your thing, don’t worry: no one will hate you for leaving.
See you in the field guardian. Stay safe out there
I would like to join, invite