At the release of Destiny 2: Forsaken, Scout Rifle damage was reduced for PvE activities. This was further impacted by an issue where Explosive Rounds were negatively effecting damage, which was addressed in a recent hotfix.
To further address the player feedback, we are planning to increase Scout Rifle damage by 15% in a future patch.
Stay tuned for updates.
I remember in D1 with scout rifles, in The taken king at 365 light you were getting like 9k+ precision on a knight (for example) usually took like 2 shots to kill, now scout rifles on enemies in general is like 1200 precision and takes a butt load of bullets to kill anything (apart from dregs etc) the damage numbers in general are so much lower now than in D1 and takes a lot more to kill enemies in general. One thing I can’t get used to in D2 lol