Lets start this off by saying I think the Suros is a good weapon. (My favorite exotic since D1 infact)
But, its lacking in a couple places.
RANGE! It needs more range and accuracy. I'm sure all the OG guardians here remember the reign of the Suros, where it was nearly as effective at range as scout rifles. I dont want it to be OP like that again, but it was the "long range powerhouse" of the Auto rifles. Now it is a shell of its former glory.
The fix is simple really.
Add the stat buffs back to the perks. In D1 the slowed rpm had a range increase, the increased firerate had more stability.
I feel the ttk and overall damage is perfectly balanced, just not the range. If you compare the slowed rpm perk with other 360 auto rifles, the suros falls short... literally. All other 360rpm Auto rifles have a noticable bit more range and accuracy. This makes the suros hard to use in medium range gunfights where that archetype should be solid.
EDIT: Thanks for the support guys, I've been trying to get this point noticed by Bungie for over 2 months now.
EDIT 2: I should also point out, as an example, that Crimson with it's masterwork holds its max damage at about 4-5 meters past Suros Regime. Plus Crimson heals on every kill, Suros only has a chance to heal. Crimson reloads on every crit kill, Suros has nothing to refill it's ammo. I just feel that as an exotic, Suros should have something really going for it.
I would be ok with this because I like SUROS. I actually think its ok in crucible. I am more surprised by Hardlight though.