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Edited by Sudzee: 9/24/2018 9:40:36 PM

special ammo in crucible/ ace of spades rework.

am i the only one that is already tired of the shotgun/ ace of spades meta? start with 2 shots get a kill then you still have 2 shots, run titan with one eyed mask and he almost cant be killed. i thought when the sandbox changes came back to destiny 2 there would be more diversity, quickly just to be ruined with nerfed fusion rifles that cant stop rushing shotguns (aside from telesto) and snipers (on pc) that get gun punched so hard you can lose your enemy ADS. all that with full auto shotguns that can one shot just as consistent as pumps is starting to make me wonder how good the state of D2 actually is. which brings me to the point of this thread, why dont you get 4 special every couple of minutes? lets say 2 maybe 3 minutes, thats gonna solve a lot of the issues of overuse of specials (mainly shotguns) in pvp while keeping the integrity of having a shotgun for a push or using in 1v2 3 or 4. where as competitive goes why do people start with 2 special, in quickplay 2 special for 6 players is a 3rd of the enemy team in competitive thats half of the team before you pick up special off the ground. i only see 2 ways to change that 1 special is no longer able to be picked up from dead players or 2 make special drop like heavy (also slow the heavy drops in competitive). it just seems like every time the bungie live team pushes an update they somehow shoot themselves in the feet and get backlash for it. this is the most fun pvp has been even though this meta im sure has caused a couple of aneurysms along the way. thanks for reading leave some comments what you think upvote so maybe bungie will see it. side note ace of spades needs a nerf, im not making a new post for this but all im saying is if you dropped the range of the ace by about 25-30 percent and made memento mori have no damage drop off instead of doing more damage it would balance the weapon without completely nerfing it into the ground. so theres no confusion no damage drop off means with memento mori you will always do 70 no matter the range. which is still a 3 tap headshot, instead of doing 93 headshot followed by 63 body shot the way memento mori currently works.

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