So uh, this user doesn't post in others' threads, long story, so here are some thoughts on that thread voc posted R F replied in asking why 'everyone' in this 'community' is so 'toxic'.
This user concurs this community (and some others this user was apart of for YEARS this user dedicated time, money (this user and this user's fam didn't have mind yuh), effort/sweat, even some blood, and tears and lack of food, water, and exercise, let alone sleep and other such work like back when this user was in schools) can be toxic at times, mainly in two forms: Elitism (possibly narcissistic psychopathy or acute tribalism and identitarianism stemming from a lack of faith in others, more on that below) and overly robust or fragile ('Anti fragile' by T a l e b) pragmatism (high time-preference or cowardice).
People either (or both) have little faith in the 'other' to keep up with them OR have too much esteem FOR themselves and/or their usual team/clan, based on past negative memories and emotions from experiences that went wrong in an effort to avoid them again and waste time. At least when it comes to the group-finder stuff, but also the insults, unnecessarily troln other users for little to no reason.
Bung also F'n things up or not making 'em exactly as they 'should' be, either objectively as the programs are/were intended to operate or in the subjective realm of personal preference has something to do with things as well, such as with time-limits on certain things like achievements/shirts/etc., that satiate the human individuality mechanism's vanity and/or for coping with not being apart of a collective (which of course would be horrid, collectivism is wrong, at least involuntary forms; how many bricks of good intentions has the road to perdition been paved with in the name of the 'greater good'?). Now the methodology is the problem and where the disconnect is; how should one go about this? Simply cut off one's nose to spite their face and lose replayability and thus, fun-times, like socialism of goods OR socialism of people (more on that below) OR ease-back on time-limited content and bugs/exploits and allow for more freedom to voluntarily associate and voluntarily disassociate for more solo-players and cater to more varied play-styles, such as through cross-play servers for larger player pools to pick from?
All wars are fought for resources, social issues like muh racism, muh sxism, are window-dressing for pleb-thought outside the circle of influence and awareness to chew on. Either eliminate the resource or allow for the most people to have a shot at acquiring it, HOWEVER the resources are distributism or free-for-alls happen, and distributism, DOES.NOT.WORK. so long as there is a scarcity of resources. Politics is DOWNstream from culture, culture may or may not be downstream from race, but ALL are ultimately downstream from environment. In smaller environments, with more people, conflict arises, in larger environments, with or without a large amount of people, more libertarian thought is allowed to be fostered and care for humanity.'s NOT that people are inherently evl and need to be institutions that are social constructs RUN BY OTHER FLAWED, FALLIBLE HUMANS......that Hobbsian, Malthusiahn circlejerk of moral relativist garbage has been a problem and it concerns this user to see two posters, such as yrselvs, have such little faith in humanity's ability to transcend. MOST humans are inherently benevolent, which is why psychopaths, the OUTLYING MINORITY, YET VOCAL AND POWERFUL, are able to stage being hit by a car and then stab the concerned Samaritan that goes to check on 'em like in a teen horror movie from the '90s and get all the news and attention, because good news doesn't sell. The worst thing to do is to stop being free, cowardice and cynicism fuels psychopathy and right-brain dominant sheehple help left-brain dominant people, they feed off each other, as reactionaries, like in the news today with talking head pundits everywhere. It's not healthy nor helping the matters in-question. WHO'S THE MORE FOOLISH, THE FOOL OR THE FOOL WHO FOLLOWS 'IM!?!? Take a low-hanging fruit freak in the middle of nowhere and with a larger platform put a magnifying glass on 'im and that instance may not even be real and it may have been false-flagged to stage strawman arguments against one's opponent is NOT HONORABLE!!!
As Prof. B r e t W e i n s t e i n talked about at a S F L C in C A N this past spring, of the 8 habits of S J Ws overlaying personal experience over all other data collection is readily apparent in such a context as these occurrences.
As with the muh racism and sxism and etc. in THE CURRENT YEAARR!!!! Portion of yr comment.....
These are CONCEPTS.....CONCEPTS are eternal, they are immortal, they are IDEAS, one cannot kyll an idea. As DocJBP and C J u n g talked about, people don't have ideas, ideas have people.
Think about that....
Ideas have people = an ideologue who will lie down for that idea and sell-out their fam for the idea.....not even a REAL PERSON. Loyalty to the 'State' for example......what is the 'State'?
The disconnect is what people consider these 'isms and what to do about them and racism is not prejudice alone, EVERYone is prejudice, to discriminate, by definition, is FINE, it's what people DO, when it comes to what's for dinner! It's the negative offensive ACTION that follows that makes it go from prejudice to racism. If this user lynched a blak man for being blak because this user doesn't like blax, that'd be racist behavior and while not everyone who does do or say or view or listen to X makes them Y EVERYone who is Y does says reads listens to and etc., X, like those diagrams from math class with a circle half inside a larger circle but half not. Remember? Now, WORDS.ARE.NOT.ACTION. and CONTEXT is everything, unfortunately it has been thrown out the window with critical thought as well the past however many years.
Stopping the benefit of the doubt and being happy and free and etc., when looking for groups is the dvl taking hold of yuh, the DRKNESS this program has. E p h e s i a n s 6 : 1 2. This user did Lair several times, without speaking, without even HEARING or knowing what was being said with Euros in the wee-hours of the morn and has a history of many top-tier content being done without such accutrements like damage parsing programs in other MMOs most elitists find impossible to do without.....SWITCH OFF YR TARGETING COMPUTER....USE THE FORCE!!!! The important thing is to never stop being open to communicating and extending branches and bridges and avoid purity spiraling because that person.....might be yuh, yrself! Preset ideals of HOW a game should be played with certain classes/jobs being operated by certain in-game races/species for certain Raids/Dungeons/activities is BULSHYT. This user can play whatever class parents' races produced this user had no control over for whatever activity, because each activity changes sometime and can be beaten multiple ways....even if there is a difference is some floors, there is no difference in ceiling, judge by ceiling, not floor. Eugenics doesn't work either irl or in the gaming context am allegorical about, get it?
Individual Skill > all other things.
Judge the tree by its fruits not its bark or garden.
Also, most peepz (young'ins) need to vent and it's better, think of it this way, it's better for 'em to get it out verbally, their thoughts, than let it simmer and boil into an outrageous action irl and it's brought about by a lack of freedom irl to have 'stories' like ancestors' before 'em running around naked putting principals' cars on rooftops and getting in trouble and getting away with it without cameras and helicopter parents everywhere. Whatever happened to letting chil'ren walk across county or state to town and pick up groceries? Using political action to change the human condition through culture-creation and culture-destruction is BULSHYT AND WRONG whether race-induced or not to any extent, a freer/better environment and access to resources (NOT DISTRIBUTED, ACCESS) allows for constant improvement and as aggregate truth and freedom go up so does truth and freedom and freedom and truth and happiness and security go up too, get it?
Just trying to displace blame unto others in teams because when a dood loses a one-on-one a ring or cage....that hurts or feels better than anything any team winning or losing feels because of the dispersion among 'em. J R E podcast ep with DocJBP this past summer talked about this. Achievements irl are hindered from regulation and restriction by government or parenting so virtual world achievements take precedent because they're easier to obtain for the rejects/etc., non-celebrities to have something to write on their headstone in the graveyard that they were better than everyone else at doing and be remembered by. It's not to get rid of that line of thinking, as socialists want to do, it's to change the action steps of obtaining such a dream, as C o n f u s c i o u s and Buckminstr Fullr talked about. If X to be Y doesn't work, be Y in spite of everything and let X come when it does, or because one has become Y and X is attached to Y, OR X not be needed at all.
TL;DR: Anyways, R F i l l y, this user both agrees and disagrees with parts of yr post. The observation is correct and maybe parts of the prescription, which is rare, but the assessment is partially faulty in some places.
Edited by JonnyMadDog1: 9/27/2018 10:26:25 PMThere is no/should be no 'community' (muh blak community, muh gai community, etc.). What is this herd-think of de-individuation? This country's first President warned against identitarianism and may have been shown the future by an angl/alien/time-traveller. Inter-tribal relations < tribal relations < village < fam/friends < individual. Each should be ancillary and sub-servient and voluntary to the smaller form as G r e g C a t o n mentioned in 'T h e J o y s o f t h e P s y c h o p a t h o c r a c y', and when that higher institution is NOT, drop it! Left-right false paradigm, all window dressing, it's really up-down/north-south poles, authoritarianism vs. libertarianism, using aggression violating the NAP against others involuntarily without self-defense or consent, by group or individual for a group or individual. One merely a slightly larger group, but that is NOT fought against by using its own tactics by a slightly smaller set of groups. All three of P l a t o's governments in the form of the State (can be mutually exclusive, not all governments have to be States but all States are governments, government meaning mind-control) DON'T.WORK. Democracy, oligarchy, and tyranny, all irl really just a different oligarchy masquerading as a democracy or tyranny. It's not to destroy the ego, it's to not FEED/Encourage the ego in SUCH A REGARD. Achievements in such a format RUIN games as this user found in at least 1 MMO this user used to play a lot and dedicated years of this user's life to to mostly NEGATIVE experiences for profit off of the autsy-compulsive crowd of impluse buying children. Paytoplay/paytowin doesn'! /rant waiting for a sports game to come on