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9/29/2018 8:26:32 PM

Error Code Ruins Experience

The number of times I am removed from crucible, competitive in particular, is by far the most broken thing about this game in my opinion. In the past two days, I have been disconnected from 8 competitive games, 6 of which I was winning without question. It makes it impossible to enjoy crucible, and also impossible to fulfill the Luna’s Howl quest. No Bungie, it is not my connection, I get 70 mb/s, and am the only device on this network. I have tried both hard wired as well as WiFi, and the results didn’t change. This problem only ever happens so frequently in competitive, making it extremely unfair to both me and my team, as I am banned for something out of control and lose my glory rank, while it also makes my team suffer by having a number disadvantage. Your servers are something that needs extreme construction to be done. I’ve seen and read many other posts about error codes from individuals who have similar if not better internet situations than me. You point the blame at us and our connection, never believing it’s your own problems that need to be fixed. There are even times when it disconnects multiple people from opposing teams along with myself, all giving the same error code at the same time. This is too close to be a coincidence, and happens more often than not whenever I disconnect. Either work on your servers, or figure out a way to lessen/dispel punishment to players who disconnect because of your faulty service. It is bad enough trying to play competitive without a full team, but when you add in the 75% chance of disconnecting into the mix, it results in a complete waste of time and a ruined experience that I couldn’t control. I’m sure I am not the only person with this issue, and I also know they are put off by replies saying that “ if it’s said error code, it’s entirely on you or your connection”. The sheer amount of times this happens to me and others i play with leads me to believe otherwise. If this was just an every now and then thing, I probably wouldn’t even be here posting this. It is only because it happens so very frequently that I think it’s necessary for something to be done. Listen to your community to find improvements. I understand that not everyone has top tier connection to run Destiny, but if you are telling me that 70-90 mb/s with an average of 0-2% packet loss isn’t enough to run a competitive crucible match, there is something wrong with the data consumption of your game. I know I say this for others along with myself. It is disappointing to me that you claim to listen to your audience in the majority of your patch notes, but I never see any answers for issues regarding these matters from you. Think for once that you are the problem, Bungie, not us, and perhaps this experience would be more enjoyable.

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