Running around with 12 motes trying to get 3 more after The Drifter yells..Bank those Motes and you'll summon a Prime Evil when you only need 2 more Motes. They then proceed not only to waste valuable time but also end up losing them to an Invader.
“Enemy invader on the field!!!” Proceeds to jump as high as possible to spot him just to get killed mid air and complain about Sleeper...
Use Sleeper. And using Sleeper. Oh yeah, using Sleeper. And not turning in 15 motes. And using Sleeper.
Not understanding that only guardian kills heal the primeval. Sometimes it’s better to die at invade rather than feed sleeper kill healing. Not understanding that you need to kill the wizards. Seriously - you need to kill the freaking wizards! Bring a void shotgun and Get Up In There! You are losing it for us doing your 3 damage hand cannon shots on the boss at max range hiding at the spawn tunnel! Not understanding how to manage aggro effectively. If your at 0 motes and your teammate is at 14, shoot everything big while he gets that last one to get their attention - better you die at 0 then him at 14. Hiding at the spawn to let the whole arena focus fire one spot. Not clearing out blockers effectively. Bring a special and use it liberally! Even heavy if you’ve got more than 15 to bank as a team.
How about playing D2 in the first place?