Like I’ll be mashing A right in front of a ledge and I’ll just smack into it and drop to my death. Would be nice if we could get a sensitivity update or something.
Have to get right up on there
Not to say destiny has the best jumping mechanics... but its complaints like this that make me sigh... You dont have to hit a. In fact, it may be interrupting your pledge grab if you jumping at the moment when your character attempts to glide. Additionally. Depending on your character. Tapping the jump button right as you hit a ledge could add to your momentum and cause you to bounce off.
You don’t need to mash, or press any button to mantle on Console. Just use the left stick and push towards the ledge. You’re welcome.
I don't mind jumping puzzles in games. I don't mind inconsistent jumping mechanics in a game. I hate both jumping puzzles AND inconsistent jumping mechanics in a game and thats always been destiny
You have to be telling your character to go forward, if not, he will not clamber, has nothing to do with hitting A if i’m correct.
It's the worst when you grab the ledge and your guardian decides to bounce off the ledge like a ball.
This is gonna blow your mind... Get this: It's automatic! No A button required. Really, you just bump into a ledge and your guardian grabs it. You press forward on the control stick and the character pulls themselves up. If your guardian didn't grab it that means you either didn't have the height or the ledge isn't grabbable.
Weird it's kinda like you grab at waist height, if your waist don't reach the level of the ledge it's down u go my friend.😬
Inconsistent clamber is inconsistent.
you don’t need to press a button to clamber
I figured that when you grab the ledge and press the jump button to early you will fall down.
I hate when my titans knees smack against a ledge and the boost from the jump will ever so slightly nudge me up higher against the platform giving me hope then the games like nope jokes on you goodbye lmao
If you want to experience the true nature of "my hands don't work" just play the Whisper of the worm mission...
It works but not all the time.
I didn't know you had to hit a button to grab the ledge lol.
Have you been hitting A for the last year? They said when it came with D2 it's automatic. You character just isn't at the right height hitting A does nothing
Works for me just fine.
It’s fine, there are times when it fails but it’s a bonus, didn’t used to even have it.
Don't hit A...
Works fine for me.
It works whenever it wants to. The inverted spire strike is where this mechanic shows its flying colors
Just make sure you're not holding the control stick downwards when you approach the ledge or else you'll fall past it.
Hunters seem to grab the ledge better than Titans. That was my experience after playing through Whisper of the worm multiple times.
I've never had an issue with the ledge grab and I'm on console too. If I fall then it is pretty obvious that I wasn't close enough
You don't need to press anything to ledge grab, it does it for you.
Works fine for me but too well for others. [url= BiOHaZarD Vx/85d7c26a-9ed5-44be-800b-bd625235180b][/url] Watch at around 10 seconds lol