As some may know, the new Sunbreaker subclass tree, Code of the Devastator, has some issues in PvP ([b]it's perfectly fine in PvE[/b]). First, its super can be easily avoided just by jumping/flying over it, since it has no move that can deal with in-air targets. The slam is too slow for in-air targets (it's fine on the ground) and has no tracking (I'm not talking about the fire projectile, but the slam itself). The spin has terrible range, tracking, and damage (a massive 2-handed Warhammer of Sol can't even kill a normal guardian in one hit, unlike its smaller counterpart Hammer of Sol). Second, the throwing hammer in PvP is way too slow, doesn't have any tracking (it's way too easy for enemy guardians in close range to dodge it just by [u]walking[/u]), it's easy to lose, and losing it [b]cripples[/b] you since your subclass tree is indirectly built around it.
Now, here are some suggestions to solve these issues:
[b]Super[/b]: the spin should be replaced with a dash/charge move that'll barrel through enemies and leave a trail of fire, mostly for mobility and probably have decreased super energy cost (like Suncharge in D1, but not nearly as strong tracking, also it'd be great if you move like how the subclass tree's pictured titan is posed in the menu)
[u]Update[/u]: Before I forget, I must mention the issue with the fire tornado launching enemies in the air, especially in PvE. Now, I must ask, whose idea was this? Why? I remember seeing a post about having the tornado instead draw enemies in, like a tornado usually does. I'm sorry I'm not able to give you credit since your name has escaped me.
[b]Throwing Hammer[/b]: faster throw or better tracking for hammer throw in PvP (tracking is turned off for PvP, I think), increased pick-up range, and an indicator to point out your hammer's location (it sucks losing your hammer since the tree is indirectly built around it).
Honorable Mention For [b]Sunbreakers[/b]:
[b]Exotics[/b]: only one in the history of Destiny is good, Hallowfire Heart. But even then, it gives a perk that already existed in D1, so it's unoriginal for D2. All of these exotics have been straight up bad (Khepri's Horn and Ashen Wake) or unoriginal (Immolation Fists, D1 though, and Hallowfire Heart), and they haven't had much of an impact, especially in PvP.
P.S. I still love you Hallowfire[/quote]
My goal for this subclass tree is to make it decent in terms of its viability in PvP. Plus, I'm [b]extremely[/b] tired of having to only use and see Code of the Fire-Forged (top tree) in the Crucible.
Hallowfire Heart isn't even that good.