Except for some situations in PvP [i](which are basically "I activate my Super, I go around deflecting projectiles and [b]MAYBE[/b] another Super if someone is so stupid to throw it against me while I'm turning my stick)[/i], this Path is basically useless and a sad waste of potential.
In PvE is useless when you have other Subclasses that do the job much better, faster and granting more benefits for you and your teammates. Hell, the good old Way of the Warrior of the same Subclass in much better both for DPS and in general thanks a greater sinergy between its Perks which grant an infinite melee/dodge combo with health regen, more damage and increased reach for the melee. Plus, you have a Perk that increase the damage of your Super.
Lightning Weave and Ebb and Flow of the Way of the Current have no sinergy at all and are useless both in PvP and in PvE.
For reasons that we still don't know, both Titans and Warlocks have a one-hit-kill Skill in PvP while Tempest Strike is not. Bungie, please, explain. In PvE it is cool, but that's it, just something cool with no real particular effects.
I still don't understand what's the real purpose of this new Path for the Arcstrider when both in PvE and PvP you have better choices. My concern is that Bungie is going to ignore this problem and leave it in this state forever just pretending that everything with it is fine, as we know Bungie is used to do.
all hunter supers are situational it takes abit of skill to do well as a hunter... just use your super less then you wont waste it all the time.