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We wish to join a clan that is raiding and also plays a lot of gambits and crucible.
We don't use discord but are both late 20s and play often.
Message MadvillainDG on PS4
My friend is bozzawilson91 but is on holiday for the next couple of days so won't respond immediately.
[PS4] II RizeN II Seeking New Recruits There is no "I" in Team. We train, play, win/loose together. II RizeN II has been establish for a little over 1 Year. We re-enforce clan/team Participation, Communication, and Contribution. Being apart of this clan we expect 75% team co-operation. Members do not get the benefits and perks of being apart of this clan without contributing to the clan. We do everything from: -Prized PvP Tournaments ($30+) -Raid Training -Daily & Weekly Scheduled Raids -Gambit -Blind Well -Crucible (Quick Play, Competitive) -Private Matches (Training, and LoL moments) -All things PvE from Exotic Quest Runs, Nightfalls you name it we are on it. Season after Season we never fail to reach Clan Level 6. Weekly Powerful Clan Engrams are obtained through members contribution, and participation. If this is the type of Clan Community and Team you want to be apart of just click the link below: "All new members who join will be recruits! It is a 2 Week process of learning the II RizeN II way. Recruits have access to all resources as our regular members do, yet recruits are not official until they have passed the 2 Week Recruit program!" II RizeN II LFG/Social app [BAND] https://band.us/@thevengefulfour