Spreading the awareness of suicide prevention is the best way to help out behind the screen. DMG did the right thing and linked several sites, numbers, and other sources to help spread awareness and save someones life before it is too late. No one is going to take their life over this post, please calm down.~Acrosity
You don't get it. You probably never will. But it's ok.
Well then please correct me where I am wrong and we could have a nice discussion about our stances, but saying that "I do not get it" will not help me pinpoint a basic incorrect stance in my argument.
If we don't talk about the bad stuff it will stop happening. I swear guys...
You win. It's that easy for you. You win. I'd rather concede than try to explain to you what others in the thread have already picked up on and understand... You have nothing to worry about. Your life will be just fine.
Well then you can very well be that way, no pressure against you. Certainly no way to carry out a discussion, but so be it I guess.
Oh yeah cuz people near the edge always call those hotlines... Naivety at its best
Doubt people near the edge would waste their time on bungie forums either... You know more important things on their mind and all....
Many people do. I have. Many of the patients at the mental health clinic I work at call these lines regularly.
Not always the people who do it, but the people close to them do. If you wish to keep making false accusations or assumptions them please do, but just know that it's naivety at its best.
Smart answer.