I have no idea how they control anything. We have our own primary, energy and heavy weapons. Actual grenades that can kill. Class abilities, jump abilities...
Hell run Telesto if shotguns are that big a problem for you. You don't even have to shoot them. Just lay the shots on the ground and let them kill themselves charging you.
then i would have to ask you do you play competitive? Cause try and push for a charge or breakpoint plate without a shotgun. Shotguns lock down chokes and objectives to an extreme level if you dont use one yourself. And even if you use one yourself its tradekills 50% of the time and the other is just based on ping. Also, i strictly said that it comes in regards of YOU pushing or trying to gain control over objectives. I deal with -blam!- shottys charging me all the time with Lunas Howl. The problem arises when you have to actually rotate and or push for objective based play. Even if you chunk someone and they back off, it is nie impossible to push yourself and finish them off as you will get instad as soon as you round the corner.
That's not a weapon balance problem. That's a map/design problem. When you start balancing weapons around game modes you get D1 over 3 years into D2. That's not good.
I’ve been saying this^^