I agree. The only reason i don't like that is because there aren't any REAL marksmanship physics in this game. Snipers are really just point and click compared to REAL LIFE sniping is what i mean. If a guy/gal can hide at the back of the map, account for bullet drop, bullet velocity, scope sway and still get me. Bravo! You are a real sniper and deserve every kill you get. Sniping, even in a video game, is about positioning, stealth and surprise, even without these physics. It should be that way in destiny also. A flinchless killbox manipulation fest isn't fun. We're shooting bullets not sideways bricks. Since we aren't dealing with real marksmanship i say keep the flinch, get 3 in the mag on spawn, give better scope options, release all destiny 1 maps in part 2 and finally, DEDICATED SERVERS.
In real life all guns have bullet drop and bullet time, this is destiny not battlefield
Edited by lvl.99_Warlock: 10/12/2018 11:44:11 AMIndeed they do, that should go unsaid. But, did you read the whole post? To be clear, i like the sniping in destiny without all the real physics, but because those real physics aren't in the game, none or redused flinch should not happen. Flinch, as it is, should be the only real-like physic we should keep, get 3 bullets on spawn, better scopes, etc. That was my point, not "lets make this game like battlefield".
Ok if you think that is the case, then lets add flinch to all weapons and base the game on who gets the first and not who is the most skilled.