I've had several WROOMs since forsaken launched too, they are basically worthless in D2 lol
Like I said, go drop into comp for a few hours and tell me shotguns arent a primary, and snipers are fine.
Do it. I will wait.
Also, found your D1 stats.... your most used weapon was a shotgun lol ... then supers..
I think I was right about shotty aping.. you have 31 times as many shotty kills as sniper kills in D1, and currently zero sniper kills in D2... with your most used special being... a shotgun lol
If you dont want to look like a joke, and you want to be taken seriously dont be an obviously biased troll.
I mean for gods sake you have 40 total sniper kills between d1 and d2.
Dont even pretend you know a damn thing about them being "perfectly fine"
I don't use snipers cause I don't like how they are and don't jive with my play style. Hard to use one when I'm actively at the front of an attack or taking an objective. In which a shotgun is a great tool. I also refused to use them during the age of snipers in destiny 1 because it's boring! Seriously your point makes as much sense as "well I don't like shotguns/don't use them and have less kills with them than any other special therefore BUFF THEM" just because I don't specifically use the weapon does not mean it's bad. Snipers are fine as is, they don't need a buff so that people with no skill can use them. Also ya I have a lot of shot gun kills in D1, felwinter was always meta and I always had one. You also had way more ammo than destiny 2 which all in all was a great nerf to them. Guarantee you can find a couple people from destiny 1 with way more sniper kills than anything else. Specials replaced primaries in that game. I'm not a troll, however it could be argued that you are one. Look I get it you want your favorite toy to be best toy. But this will do very bad things to current balance and make the crucible absolute shite again. I will admit that medals don't mean much in destiny 2. Got them in the same play session it was laughable. Was merely trying to use it to illustrate a point.
Edited by Moof Juice: 10/12/2018 3:56:16 PMI want the other options to be nearly on par with shotguns. Thats all. You are the one that wants your favorite toy to be head and shoulders above everything else. (Quite obvious since you are fine with the current meta) Also, I use snipers quite often in D2, I have more shotgun kills (barely) And oddly enough I have a shorter average kill distance than you... because I aggressively snipe. My average kill distance is like 13.5m Anyways, my point is that you have barely enough sniper kills across two games to complete two bounties with, you have literally zero idea what you are talking about. I'm honestly asking you to go play comp for a few hours (specifically above 1000 glory) and maybe try using a sniper before forming an opinion, because nothing screams biased like "the weapon I literally have not used once in this game is totally fine because I dont like how they play"
I think everything is fairly balanced or as close as it can be. Shotguns will always be powerful, snipers are a higher skill gap weapon but with a lot less danger if your good with it. I'm telling you if you make snipers on par with shotguns there's no point to use shotguns. Basically a sniper can do everything it can do but from a safe distance. Thus rendering a better choice. But sure buff them what could go wrong. Make them the strongest special in the game, nerf shotguns range to a 3rd of what it is now, double fusion rifles range and tighten it's spread. There we've effectively taken it out of the meta to never return.
You literally have no idea what you are talking about. Please. Leave QP where the plebs are and go play against some solid shotgunners. Even at the height of the so called "sniper meta" in y2 of D1, shotguns still got more kills/use in all modes without revives, And as for competitiveness, in tournaments you saw 2 or 3 shotguns for every sniper. That was at the height of the "sniper meta" How about you go try using one before you talk about them being balanced.
Honestly I've stop caring you are just irritating. Buff them. Buff them a lot, let's make them on par with shot guns I'm sure things won't turn out poorly at all. I am in full agreement with you, make every thing better than Shotguns, nuke them straight out of the meta. I'm curious to see what happens. That's what bungie should do. Create a little crucible beta area where they just go crazy with the numbers. Make regular fusions as precise as sleeper. Could you imagine the mayhem lol. Give snipers instant kill hitscans where every time they ads it's just an instant kill against anything that shows up in the scope. Friendly or foe. Call the game mode Armageddon, not allowed to enter with shotguns though. Cause they are awful and there's not a single counter.
Jesus christ... do you not english lol shotguns are fine, I just want them to be the standard that snipers and fusions are held to.
Edited by WhiteMidnight666: 10/12/2018 5:47:05 PMI don't think you'll ever be able to make everything as viable as shot guns without making snipers super easy to use (fusion rifles are a different debate). Which goes against the whole "I just want them to be equally viable" thing you've got going on. Snipers require you to land a precision which is hard in crucible due to short range maps and fast/vertical movement. To get snipers up to as many kills as shot guns your gonna need increase the headshot hit box to insane sizes or make bullet magnetism to the head equally as ridiculous. You cannot have the ease of use of shotguns at 1:1 with sniper rifles for my previous point being there's hardly any danger at that range. Which takes us full circle back to make sniper rifles 1:1 with shotguns would lead to sniper rifles being picked over shotguns. And when everyone was using sniper rifles the gameplay ground to a halt. Personally(you can disagree all you want or provide whatever numbers) I do not want to play in a PvP where I'm afraid to move due to a sniper aiming down every hallway at head level waiting for you to go by so they can net an easy kill. Crucible is good right now, everything feels good, specials are not required. I want it to stay that way and will make it known that I would like it to stay this way like other people. You are free to disagree with that as is your right. My point is that buffing snipers can lead to negative things arising unintentionally. Snipers and shotguns have their own advantages and disadvantages and we need to take that into account before just causally giving monster buffs like OP is reccomending.