I have a solution, or at least, part of a solution. Make it so the super can’t deal damage through walls. As a warlock main, I can confirm it is absurd.
Edit: First of all, I do not think nova warp is the only broken super in d2 (titan hammers basically make titan’s other roaming supers irrelevant in pvp, blade barrage is a direct upgrade to nova bomb, etc). Secondly, other supers can kill through walls? Wow, I guess this wasn’t as big an issue as I thought.
[quote]I have a solution, or at least, part of a solution. Make it so the super can’t deal damage through walls. As a warlock main, I can confirm it is absurd. Edit: First of all, I do not think nova warp is the only broken super in d2 (titan hammers basically make titan’s other roaming supers irrelevant in pvp, blade barrage is a direct upgrade to nova bomb, etc). Secondly, other supers can kill through walls? Wow, I guess this wasn’t as big an issue as I thought.[/quote] -blam!- off all you have to do is jump up and down and it's piss easy to avoid hammers
Nah, leave it. Theres a reason the majority of people play titans and hunters in pvp. Because theyre better than warlocks, and i main a warlock. One op super is nothing compared to the disgusting garbage hunters and titans have/can do. :)
Through walls I could get. But everything else is fine imho
the only super i have a problem with is blade barrage. its too good. i don't really like roaming supers. i think there very easy to shut down
Only people complaining are cunters. There is now a super that is on same level as poledancer that was racking up multi kills for the last half of year 1. And cunters don't like it.
Get gud, and quit defending a broken super
After they nerf blade barrage, only then can they look at Nova warp. ...fricking 1 shot kills even when you have well of radiance up and these jackasses are complaining about Nova warp. Nice try hunter scum!
I legit carry teams with nova warp, it’s definitely OP but damn its fun.
Yeah its not just nova warp thats kicking ass, titan hammers for the longest time has dominated the roaming, hunters now have an upgraded version of nova bomb, arcstriders are not even taking damage when spamming attacks, sentinels have an exotic that grants then infinite super (just wait until more people get that exotic, nova warp will be a thing in the past). Nova warp is an amazing super, stormcaller was a joke for a roaming super and everyone knew that
The walls yes, but here is the thing. I'm sure i've been in a couple of montages. Of ppl using a nova warp, kill me and my team. Go to our spawn, kill us there, to the new spawn and...you get it by now. By the time novawarp runs out, you've made 3 trips around the globe. Gotten 6 seventhcollum medals. Banged superman and his mom. Anything that isnt blade barrage wont ever shut it down(2 full telesto might work) Your movement spd is close to mach10 and not talking about being tankier then hammers, the range is just nuts.
I think if they just shorten the time it lasts and tweak a few other issues with the subclass abilities it can be balanced but right now it's too strong in pvp imo.
My only problem is that health regens on kills. You can have a powerful super or you can have a weaker one that's difficult to shut down, but when you have both then the only option is to run away.
I don’t mind that nova warp is powerful. What pisses me off is that many other subclasses got shafted and are no where near close to the power of nova warp.
It can't kill through walls. At least I've never seen it happen. If you have a clip then show me, but until I get proof I'm going to assume this is just an exaggeration.
yeah I don’t appreciate getting wiped (incurring 100% damage in a single blow) while there’s environment between me & a nova-warping warlock, who still manages to yield a shit KAD after every match.
Counter: jump ability/ running away when it procs
It as well as hammers need a faster burn down time. They travel the map too well. They do so much damage that no other super can counter them when used properly. If one super can instant kill any other super I say they should all be able to kill someone in their super. Why does chaos reach need 2 seconds to kill another super, why does spectral blades need 4-5 hits? Why does the new hunter throwing knives seem to be able to hit all targets on the screen no matter of spread?
The only problem is when it’s more than just one Nova Warp.
Everyone who complains about it being OP to the point where it can kill them 5 times in one super (or something ridiculous like that) literally has no evidence that it can do that.
OP is a Huntard. Don't listen
I’ve never heard anyone complain.
Hammers is okay, but i get killed mid super while using it more often than any other roaming super
I'm pretty sure it's the only thing in the whole game that hits through walls.
Its fine as is. Seriously, i don't even main a warlock and barely unlocked the super last night on that character but I've been killed by it alot in the crucible. Not that big a deal, its good but not broken
Not the worst idea.