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10/14/2018 12:21:44 AM
Literally everything youre mentioning is what I am doing, I got lunas howl solo with a 65% winrate and Redrix last season, trust me when I say Im way above the average when it comes to PvP in this game. Still denying that shotguns are underpowered is just delusional to me. The killfeed in almost every single game is filled with shotguns. On PC its even worse: you have ALOT more variables such as hearing and the general speed of which you can turn and/or react with. Pair that up with the completely unneccessary target aqusition and youve got yourself the worst PvP platform on the market. Shotguns put way too much of an emphasis on META. The game has been dumbed down to such a degree that if you even try to use something that requires the least amount of brainpower you will be outgunned by that of which is meta.

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