I have a solution, or at least, part of a solution. Make it so the super can’t deal damage through walls. As a warlock main, I can confirm it is absurd.
Edit: First of all, I do not think nova warp is the only broken super in d2 (titan hammers basically make titan’s other roaming supers irrelevant in pvp, blade barrage is a direct upgrade to nova bomb, etc). Secondly, other supers can kill through walls? Wow, I guess this wasn’t as big an issue as I thought.
It as well as hammers need a faster burn down time. They travel the map too well. They do so much damage that no other super can counter them when used properly. If one super can instant kill any other super I say they should all be able to kill someone in their super. Why does chaos reach need 2 seconds to kill another super, why does spectral blades need 4-5 hits? Why does the new hunter throwing knives seem to be able to hit all targets on the screen no matter of spread?