There are so many hot new games coming out next year, Fallot 76, Anthem... and it may be on the far Horizon but Cyberpunk 2077 looks ridiculously good. I am reaching the end of my rope on Destiny games, I want to know how this all ends but I am just absolutely turned off by your business practices Bungie and it's not like you're going out of your way to oppose that image.
I don't care what deal you made with the company from Korea. or that its strictly for IGR's and cafe's, It will get here eventually. Not a fan of Pay to Play especially when you charge such ridiculous prices in the first place for the game, DLC's "expansions" add-ons, whatever... That watered down practice of giving a boost to people who use internet cafe's... You can keep it, because I will move on the day you do.
Edited by spaceboundnoob: 10/18/2018 2:29:44 PMWhere the faaaac.k do you belters crawl out from. Whiney little biaaaaatch