There are so many hot new games coming out next year, Fallot 76, Anthem... and it may be on the far Horizon but Cyberpunk 2077 looks ridiculously good. I am reaching the end of my rope on Destiny games, I want to know how this all ends but I am just absolutely turned off by your business practices Bungie and it's not like you're going out of your way to oppose that image.
I don't care what deal you made with the company from Korea. or that its strictly for IGR's and cafe's, It will get here eventually. Not a fan of Pay to Play especially when you charge such ridiculous prices in the first place for the game, DLC's "expansions" add-ons, whatever... That watered down practice of giving a boost to people who use internet cafe's... You can keep it, because I will move on the day you do.
Korea has different practice models than the rest of the world. For them (as someone below has said) its mandatory for games to have a feature like that. Bungie stated somewhere that Yuna is only for Korea (cause they are on completely separate servers than the rest of the world) and will never leave Korea. You can only access Yuna by playing the Korean version of the game inside specific, real world locations inside Korea. Chill out man, it won't leave their servers. The only micro transaction that the rest of the world gets is Tess.