Because Gambit is cancer, here’s a possible solution to solve the Sleeper Stimulant problem.
Increase Sleeper Stimulant charge time by 100%.
Increase Sleeper Stimulant damage by 100%.
Sleeper Stimulant would obviously still be viable in PvE due to the proportional damage increase, but it would no longer be viable in PvP encounters.
Personally, I won’t be playing Gambit anyways because I don’t like it, but I figured I’d offer a solution for Bungie to relieve the thousands of poor unfortunate souls who must endure this catastrophe. Enjoy.
Rent a servers
They just need to reduce zoom so people aren’t mapping so easily with it. No change to its damage or charge time is necessary.
Just ban it from gambit. Problem solved. It’s only a problem there, any nurf will advisedly affect PVE. So don’t allow it in gambit. People will have to use real guns & invaders cant cheese kills & the boss fight will be evened out.
All I read there was “remove Gambit”weapons in PvE are fine
Or just leave it and not nerf it. The quest is hard for non addicts so let it be.[spoiler]Pleej upvote.[/spoiler]
Personally, they should just decrease the bullet magnetism, and increase the charge time but increase the damage as well. And maybe make sleeper only OHK on headshots.
Why can’t they just nerf the body damage in pvp? Why do all that crazy shit when the problem is you can be one shot in the toe across the map.
Hey everybody, listen to this guy. Does he play this game a lot, no. Does he play a game mode that he wants Sleeper nerfed for, no. Does he know there is a catalyst that reduces charge time, no. Does he even have the gun he wants nerfed, I'm guessing no. Does he know how to spell Sleeper Simulant, no. Brilliant post guy. I'm sure they'll be passing this along to the devs.