originally posted in:Clan Finder
I play pretty often
available in mornings and after 8 pm PST Monday to Friday and free Friday and Saturday
Add Maximumdee#1600
(PS4) "BROWN EYE DESTROYERS" currently recruiting more members. Are you a chill active gamer 21 or older whom has a good mature sense of humor....... Well if you are then this wonderful clan just might be for you. -The majority of our clan is in the eastern and central time zones / we currently have approximately 50 members / most if not all of us are older individuals with families so we understand the restraints that may occure with real life with that being said it is expected for you to get on atleast 1 or 2 times a week if something in life occurs just message one of the admins and let us know. *Full discolsure our clan uses discord it is required to download and be active on discord. I truly believe in order for a clan to grow and remain active all of its members must be active in communicating with one and other* My psn: divineprod1gy (if you meet said requirements and are interested in joining the family reply to post or send me a message on psn I will respond within 24 hours.)
Edited by Neptin: 11/5/2018 8:20:50 PMHey there MaximumDee! 5x5 is a friendly cross-console clan with over 94 members from all over the world. We looking to add experienced guardians to run Raids, Competitive, Gambit, Protocols and the Blind Well with the clan. We also ask that you don't mind helping other members out by acting as a guide. At this time we are only seeking guardians with 580+ Power Level, 7+ Raid clears [i][b]or[/b][/i] 1.3+ KD. [quote]5x5 also does have a few requirements to maintain membership: 1) You must be active on with Destiny 2 on Bungie's servers at least once every [i]two months[/i]. If you're inactive longer than 2 months, you're out. 2) We require you use the Destiny Companion app and post at least once every [i]two months[/i] through our private clan forum. 3) Keep the conversation in parties and game chats appropriate and polite. Negativity and disrespect are not tolerated.[/quote] [i]‘Five by five’[/i] is a radio term meaning, [i]‘I read you loud and clear.’[/i] Five by five therefore means a signal that has excellent strength and perfect clarity. For more information on our clan, check out our FAQ at [url=http://www.5x5.life/faq]5x5.life/faq[/url] If the clan is full, send me a message. Request to join 5x5 at https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2143503 Please reply in the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/249512823]5x5 Clan Recruitment Thread[/url] once you request to join or if you have any questions.
We are on xbox1. We do a bit of everything. If you have a sense of humor check us out. The Way of Jim is recruiting! We are a small group of adult players that likes to have fun and get stuff done. Our goal is to help each other out. We do trash talk and tell inappropriate joke quite often. We don’t mind teaching raids and helping people improve but we also don’t mind winging it and messing around. If you want to learn the way of Jim come and check us out. Hey, join our 'The Way of Jim' group on BAND - The app for groups and communities! https://band.us/n/afa5Y633vfb63
Join Last Battalion of Light