There is literally nothing someone can say to change my mind here. It can one-hit guardians at 50+ meters away with relatively modest RNG, it is the pinnacle shotgun defense in a shotgun meta, and you spawn with two rounds every time. I like the gun, but it is balntantly overpowered.
Eh handcannon: 5/10
Better Devils God roll: 7/10
Luna’s Howl: 10/10
Ace of Spades: 11/10, as it rightfully should be, but with fusions.....
Main ingredient (only competitive fusion in energy slot IMO): 7/10?...
Telesto: 23/10. It’s -blam!-ing ridiculous.
Implement some kind of damage falloff. Reduce the number of projectiles, reduce damage of projectiles, idk how much damage each individual one does, but it must be greater than a normal fusion bolt because that shit literally -blam!-ing snipes.
I will vouch for fusions until the day I die, easily the most fun energy weapon, but this thing outdoes meta shotguns like cake.
It has the firepower of a heavy. 4-5 shots of that shit would get 2-3 kills easily and you can collateral people pretty easily. Something needs to be done.
I’m tilted and this thing is to blame. There is really no counter argument. It does better than meta weapons by a significant margin. At least I can counter AoS with range. Not Telesto.
Edited by Pocket Fox: 10/30/2018 5:59:38 AM10/10 you're a Bygones user. 10/10. I'm so damn confident that I'm not even going to click on your name and look at your character/s. It's ALWAYS the users of OP Bygones who complain about anything that can challenge their Bygones, it's like they're so damn spoiled that they take offense to it, lol!