originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Hey everyone,
early D1 player who took a looong break from D2 after curse of Osiris.
Just getting back into it now and have ran through warmind and a bunch of forsaken.
Unfortunately in the year plus I took off my current clan has for the most part died. I’m currently a 520ish Titan and am hoping to join a more active clan for once I beat forsaken. And maybe hit up the raid levels I missed out on in my absence .
I have a life outside of destiny but am pretty active, on a few times a week at least.
So what do I have to offer ?
I’m willing to play and help help out with any pve or pvp activities. I have a mic which I can use or not use depending on preference . While using the mic I won’t play shitty mumble rap in the background.
Sometimes I might drink a few too many beers and am Pretty shit at the actual game , but like to think I bring charisma to a fireteam.
Shoot me a message if I sound like the anchor your clans been looking for! 👍
Hello mate! We have a really active/mature UK PS4 based clan. Really social bunch. Clan level 6 Mostly UK based, although members from all over the world. If your not keen on swears... might not be suitable haha We use Discord which has over 130 like minded players who help and abuse each other all in the name of fun. fire teams available to help with all aspects of the game, and would also welcome more help! If it sounds like its a clan for you.. come give us a look! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3129355