Except for the nostalgia, who the F cares about all these old weapons? You guys ENCOURAGE BUNGIE TO BE LAZY.
Every old weapon they bring back means LESS NEW ONES.
Not to mention there are SO MANY, ULTRA-SITUATIONAL, TRASH EXOTICS like those lame 0.5 second reflecting boots (TRASH)- and you guys want to spend money on just getting the old junkers? REALLY>?
For the love of christ, the stag has prolly the best helmet skin in the whole game. BUTTT....ITS GARBAGE.
Im burning out on this game, because theres no exotics dropping, the hundreds of gloves and legs is wearing my nerves. I love the game, but once again the next level of activities is FORCED GROUPS and there are no new exotics worth a damn in sight.
PS- THUNDERLORD was boring when they brought it back, and it will be boring again. YAY, progress.
IMO that returning is not as bad as their random rolls are in D2. The duplicates of set gear are not fun to grind for knowing the only thing they are good for is leveling up and once you do that they become useless to grind for.