Some of my buff ideas for this class
1. Make flawless execution proc with aerial precision kills as well as crouched
2. Once it is procked, smoke grenades can trigger melting point
3. Therefore making smoke grenades confirmed kills on full health guardians
4. And /or make Shattering strike 1 hit kill to full health Guardians (which you get After you proc flawless execution in the first place, making it that much harder to do than just running in a straight line to melee somebody, or even to charge your grenade.) This would also add to the whole Assassin feel of the class. And would be more fitting for the name *Shattering* Strike
5. While in Super, Going invisible should not cost super energy. (This would then inherently buff the Gwisin vest, which is a good thing) or the cos should be significantly reduced. This will tell players invisibility is their natural state and reward them for playing to the strength of the super. Or if not this, then no super energy cost for swinging the blades at targets (this would kind of make it blade dancer wouldn't it?)
6. For all Nightstalkers, all invisibility timers get an extra 2 seconds. Which would inherently buff the Graviton Forfeit. Invisibility doesn't do much for us, except Way of the Wraith, which has probably one of the highest skill ceilings among all the classes for what it demands of you to do. We should be rewarded for it.
That's all my buff ideas are, ways to help make the player feel *more* rewarded for learning/mastering a new way to play. And maybe I'm biased but none of these seem OP at all. They seem fairly balanced. Especially considering the new direction Destiny 2 is taking as a whole, where everything is getting substantial buffs. These are just *Some* ideas, besides the obvious hit registration issue. More ideas welcome.
Must add: thanks for the edit out of the warp thing ;) Keep up the good thoughts. We need stronger, more viable Giardians. Every subclass needs to feel strong and not something used just to break the mold and challenge yourself.