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Edited by a_dmg04: 11/7/2018 4:15:21 AM

I have been contacted by my Internet service provider after I got DoSed yesterday, how long will cheater problem be swept under the rug by Bungie?

We have been DoSed numerous times in the Crucible, I used to record and report every DoS but I have stopped doing that when I saw that no bans were ever issued even months after numerous reports with video proofs. Same with rapid-fire glitch macros cheaters (like [redacted]), [redacted] was banned by hand after popular Destiny YouTuber released two videos about him. If [redacted] was banned then we know that what he was doing is considered bannable offense by Bungie. But there is a cheater just like [redacted] in my connection who was doing it for over a year now without any ban. We match this cheater every day and we report him every day. That is why I can say with 100% certainty that in-game reports don't work, web form reports with video proofs and PGCR links don't work. Some time ago I have created a thread here about cheater problem, in two days it had over 200 up votes, filled with joy that maybe now something will be done, I have tweeted it to every Bungie developer I knew, just shortly after I did that, my thread was deleted! Here is the full story that wrote in response to that: tl;dr: Bungie actively sweeps these issues under the rug for way, way too long. This is criminal. When I told about how Bungie handles cheaters to my ISP they were lost for words. I just don't how can Bungie be so incompetent at handling this issue, yet so good at hiding it. I love my ISP: they provide cheap, fast, reliable Internet with IPv6 support, home router with open source firmware, open NAT without double NAT, they are simply the best. But now I have to be on their bad side because of Bungie unbelievable, inconceivable, incomprehensible incompetence. My ISP told me that it was 12gb attack from a single IP address. Here is PCGR of yestertday's DoS: [links redacted] Look at that, a 4-stack of recoveries. Just let that sink in, Bungie is so incompetent that people can reliably DoS their way to 5500 without any account ban. Let. That. Sink. In. After DoS attack we logged back in and the game tried to reconnect us back, but as always it didn't work. It never worked even one time. Why was this feature added to the game if does not work at all? Level of incompetence from Bungie's security team is simply astonishing. It is insane that they could sweep this under the rug for so long and ignore the issue. After 5 000+ hours of D1 and D2 I hold opinion that people play Destiny because of reward system and they are forced to endure horrible balance, horrible PvP and cheaters who don't get banned. I think that Destiny 2, with the way that Bungie threats it, can be classified as psychological violence. Because we really need mental help after this incredible injustice that have to witness on daily basis. I know that I could easily inflict real act of violence if a member of Bungie security team were standing in front of me. After everything that me and my team had to endure in this horrible, horrible game [spoiler]when you have an ult attack in-game that can be countered only by jumping off the map your game should be considered horrible[/spoiler] that we keep coming back to because of the rewards. I get that it's hard to detect and ban all kinds of private cheats on PC, but I'm talking about PS4 and Xbox One console versions of Destiny 2. Consoles are secure, closed down platforms, where only couple forms of cheating exist: connection manipulation, DoS attacks and macros. It is simply incomprehensible that game as a Service, game that can be considered platform all in itself, cannot deal with this. A good developer would have disabled any competitive playlist until these issues are resolved, but Bungie just rolls with it and sweeps everything under the rug. I'm posting this again with Ninja edit, because previous post was silently REMOVED FROM INDEXATION so no one could find it or post there, but it would still accessible via direct link. They still actively sweeping it under a rug, this is crazy! Check it out yourself, here is the link to the old thread: Looks okay, right? But can you find it or post there?

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  • I'll make sure the security team sees your report. We don't allow accusations that include player names to be posted publicly here on the forums because it leads to witch hunting, but you can report suspected cheaters using [url=]this form[/url]. We do issue bans and restrictions for a wide array of cheating including modification or interruption of Destiny 2 network traffic with intent to disrupt the experience of other players or to gain an advantage in the game. For more information on what constitutes cheating and how bans and restrictions work, you can visit our [url=]Restrictions and Banning Policies article[/url].

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    274 Replies
    • [quote]We have been DoSed numerous times in the Crucible, I used to record and report every DoS but I have stopped doing that when I saw that no bans were ever issued even months after numerous reports with video proofs. Same with rapid-fire glitch macros cheaters (like [redacted]), [redacted] was banned by hand after popular Destiny YouTuber released two videos about him. If [redacted] was banned then we know that what he was doing is considered bannable offense by Bungie. But there is a cheater just like [redacted] in my connection who was doing it for over a year now without any ban. We match this cheater every day and we report him every day. That is why I can say with 100% certainty that in-game reports don't work, web form reports with video proofs and PGCR links don't work. Some time ago I have created a thread here about cheater problem, in two days it had over 200 up votes, filled with joy that maybe now something will be done, I have tweeted it to every Bungie developer I knew, just shortly after I did that, my thread was deleted! Here is the full story that wrote in response to that: tl;dr: Bungie actively sweeps these issues under the rug for way, way too long. This is criminal. When I told about how Bungie handles cheaters to my ISP they were lost for words. I just don't how can Bungie be so incompetent at handling this issue, yet so good at hiding it. I love my ISP: they provide cheap, fast, reliable Internet with IPv6 support, home router with open source firmware, open NAT without double NAT, they are simply the best. But now I have to be on their bad side because of Bungie unbelievable, inconceivable, incomprehensible incompetence. My ISP told me that it was 12gb attack from a single IP address. Here is PCGR of yestertday's DoS: [links redacted] Look at that, a 4-stack of recoveries. Just let that sink in, Bungie is so incompetent that people can reliably DoS their way to 5500 without any account ban. Let. That. Sink. In. After DoS attack we logged back in and the game tried to reconnect us back, but as always it didn't work. It never worked even one time. Why was this feature added to the game if does not work at all? Level of incompetence from Bungie's security team is simply astonishing. It is insane that they could sweep this under the rug for so long and ignore the issue. After 5 000+ hours of D1 and D2 I hold opinion that people play Destiny because of reward system and they are forced to endure horrible balance, horrible PvP and cheaters who don't get banned. I think that Destiny 2, with the way that Bungie threats it, can be classified as psychological violence. Because we really need mental help after this incredible injustice that have to witness on daily basis. I know that I could easily inflict real act of violence if a member of Bungie security team were standing in front of me. After everything that me and my team had to endure in this horrible, horrible game [spoiler]when you have an ult attack in-game that can be countered only by jumping off the map your game should be considered horrible[/spoiler] that we keep coming back to because of the rewards. I get that it's hard to detect and ban all kinds of private cheats on PC, but I'm talking about PS4 and Xbox One console versions of Destiny 2. Consoles are secure, closed down platforms, where only couple forms of cheating exist: connection manipulation, DoS attacks and macros. It is simply incomprehensible that game as a Service, game that can be considered platform all in itself, cannot deal with this. A good developer would have disabled any competitive playlist until these issues are resolved, but Bungie just rolls with it and sweeps everything under the rug. I'm posting this again with Ninja edit, because previous post was silently REMOVED FROM INDEXATION so no one could find it or post there, but it would still accessible via direct link. They still actively sweeping it under a rug, this is crazy! Check it out yourself, here is the link to the old thread: Looks okay, right? But can you find it or post there?[/quote] A lot of cheaters always report them, should just start cheating to get lunas

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    • Yeah when I jumped into a quicklplay match me and my team died repeatedly by an arsenic bite. The thing is, we didn’t even see the guy highlighted on the kill cam. Thankfully, he only got 8 kills and then the game ended.

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    • Bungie,I know you are famous because your incompetence,but even by your standards,do nothing to a player who AFK in PVP for 3 months is just way too stupid.

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    • Why is this being pushed so far down? You are making a legitimate, well written, even redacted argument. Guess we're getting our answer.

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    • Edited by RandomNumbers194: 11/6/2018 5:23:50 PM
      I vote to public shame the cheaters and bungie employees. Public shaming is a great motivator!

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      • Edited by Remi: 11/7/2018 8:01:21 PM
        Why is this post falling in the forums when the last post was 6 minutes ago? Good ole Bungie . Pulling out the Trump card...literally. "Nothing to see here folks this thing that is actually happening is not happening".

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        • Dang I had to scroll for days to find this post again. Bungie is just pushing it down. Post it again each weak till we get a fair response.

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        • Edited by Stormageddon924: 11/7/2018 6:20:43 PM
          notice how this thread is slowly making its way off the main page? that is oddly suspicious Edit: This thread has been moved to the second page already

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          • Funny, I documented this back in D1 and it only seems to get worse with time. Case in point, I was in the Crucible the other day and became trapped with an opposing fireteam of 4. I could not exit any match nor leave the lobby - I physically had to shut D2 down, then I had network errors trying to restart it - bottom line, I have to reboot my router to obtain a new IP. Honestly, I don't see these issues ever ending - as more network tools become available to even the least sophisticated cheater, Bungie is not keeping up with them, devoting more time and resources instead to PR/media bling. My background? Former IT/network engineer - I play online games to have fun and chill, not to have my privately owned equipment/infrastructure abused and thrashed by hacks in the Destiny gaming net.

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            • Edited by STEVE NEUROTIC: 11/5/2018 4:40:25 PM
              Not sure how it works on PS4, but due to the lack on Bungies part to do anything in these situations, on XBOne, I’ve succumb to baiting them in a private message to use profanity or racist/hate speech, then report it to Microsoft. Almost immediately they’ll issue a 24- 48 communication ban for first offense, followed by a week, and then a permanent ban. Gotten several people removed from XBox that way. Cheaters love to run their mouths. Edit: By baiting into using racist/hate speech I mean I’ll piss them off enough that they’ll call me a racist or homophobic term which Microsoft does not take lightly.

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              • Stupid GARBAGE bungie

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              • Dude, chill, it’s only a game

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                • Bump for more visibility

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                • Have they addressed this yet?

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                • 985 upvotes and now it's on the 2nd page. But that's ok, we should now all care at how cool this one artist is.

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                  • I want this to go back on the main page

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                  • [url=]Not working as intended.[/url] 😂

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                  • Edited by Razor: 11/10/2018 8:44:12 AM
                    I guess that's why Activision not happy about Bungie,because Bungie a shameless cheat

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                  • You see people, there is a big downside to making Destiny PvP competitive. Big mistake, boys. There are too many tryhards and sad sacks out there that need to win at any cost.

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                  • Bump

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                  • Thank God I couldn't give two hoots about the howl or broadsword. Saved myself a lot of salty times by the sounds of it.

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                  • Bump to keep this going. It’s now on page 3 and nothing comes close to the upvotes this thread has.

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                    • Bump

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                    • Bump!

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                    • Contact a legal department because ddos is illegal and I'm sure action can be taken against them and possibly bungo for letting it happen. Do it for all of us and hopefully you will get satisfaction and I hope bungo get screwed legally

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