As a game or series grows, whether it's updates being applied to the current one or a new sequel coming out, there's always one apparent thing -- change. Be it for the sake of "balance", QoL, et cetera, it's a near constant for class or character based games. It's a necessity. However, sometimes there are changes that just make no damn sense. Let's talk about that.
Mines in a spoiler 'cause it's a bit lengthy...
[spoiler]Recently for me, it's Taki. In terms of differences per game, there's probably no other genre where change is such an apparent constant like it is in fighting games and for the most part, I'm fine with that. Taki has been a different beast in pretty much every game, but still retains some similarities with previous iterations. After driving it through my head that she's not Natsu and I need to stop approaching her like she is, I was starting to feel like SCVI Taki is the best Taki out of all of them even without some of the moves or Possession transitions that Natsu has in V.
Then I realized just how -blam!-ed over she is with her A+B [Ninja Cannon] being a special low (a low attack that can be blocked in standing guard) now. When I first went into training mode and saw that it was a special low, I was immediately annoyed, but chilled out at the thought that maybe it could still be useful since previous Ninja Cannons forced your opponent to do one of three options:
1. block low
2. jump
3. try to get an attack in
1 is the safest, as the only real follow up they could do is if you're still blocking low and they throw out a mid, but there's not really enough time to get one off immediately after using A+B. 2 & 3 are the most risky. 2 'cause A+B can be followed up or completely cancelled with A. If you're fighting someone who has a habit of jumping lows, you can play mind games using this. 3 is risky simply 'cause if your attack isn't faster, you'll be hit.
Wrong. That doesn't apply here. What incentive does your opponent have to do anything other than a standing guard when you use A+B since they know it won't hit? Ninja Cannon now has a break attack property, but even that's near useless as the slight stagger isn't long enough to capitalize off of it and despite it being a break attack, it doesn't guard crush. The only good things it has going for it are possibly tech traps (I say "possibly" 'cause I haven't checked. It could auto guard like it does on wake up for all I know) and the guaranteed lethal hit on impact counters, so GI and RE happy opponents blast off like Team Rocket. But I'd happily trade that guaranteed lethal or hell, even the BA property for it being a normal low. Better utility, better mix up and mind game potential.
It's not our [Taki / Natsu mains] fault that people were brain dead and failed to block a slow, telegraphed as -blam!- low attack that was spammed in every game, especially V. I don't see every other obvious low now being a special low. Which reminds me, I had a modded Natsu with her name replaced with ">Implying 4A+B is hard to block". Always loved rustling some jimmies with that one. While typing this, I also remembered Taki can't juggle with 6 K B after 2 2 / 8 8 B anymore... Why remove a juggle that only noobs who don't know that you can air tech most aerial combos and juggles would get hit by? Then there's the fact she's one of the few with a CE that can be GI'd or RE'd. Lmao. Why?[/spoiler]
Natsu? Where's Happy?
Literally everything in D1 due to the “community”
Black hair dante
When they took iqs grenades away in rainbow six siege. [spoiler]idiots don’t know how to nerf/buff operators [/spoiler]
When they attempted to reboot the Prince of Persia series a while back the visual changes to the Prince made him look more like the jester. When they replaced David Hayter with that Ginger wanker as the voice of Snake. That pissed me off more than anything. When they made all the character models in Mass Effect Andromeda look like melted playdoh. WHEN THEY ADDED WEAPON DEGRADATION TO THE LEGEND OF ZELDA SERIES!
Poor, poor Shugoki... dude can’t catch a break. Worst character in the game who seems to catch some kind of nerf with each update that touches on character balances.
Lara crafts boobs shrinking in each new game.
Edited by Jono: 11/7/2018 9:22:45 AMHeroes of the Storm has a truckload full of tweaks that I hated but I'll post the one that annoyed me the most, the Stealth mechanic. There are a few Heroes that are permanently cloaked because of their canon like Nova and Zeratul. Before they gutted it, Stealth heroes were shaded like how Active-Camo works from the Halo series (Halo 1-3, not the stupid Reach-onwards Active Camo) to the enemy and you had to keep your eye out for them. People cried and complained because they couldn't see when you can clearly see the shimmer of the Stealth heroes so Blizzard for whatever reason made all Stealth in the game have this big outline around the Hero that everyone could see, basically a big target above their head. There's literally no point in having Stealth now if you can clearly see them as a clear as day. So stupid.
[i]I’m back![/i] However, since I’m apparently incapable of talking bad about Skullgirls, I’m actually going to give you a change I absolutely loved. Fukua from Skullgirls is an interesting character. She was originally just an April Fool’s joke, made by Lab Zero as a fake new character, making fun of palette swap characters, such as Sub Zero & Skorpion. And the fanbase loved her. So, after some balancing tweaks, she was added back into the game. For reals this time. I can’t say I was in the same boat. She never really clicked with me.. Well, not until she got an update, anyway. See, Fukua has two souls, and she has 3 attacks where she sends out her second soul to attack you. Originally, this second soul looked like a transparent version of herself, but then an update came along, turning it [i]green[/i]! Yes, green! And glowy, too! As ridiculous as it sounds, after her shade became green, I fell in love with her (not literally)! Like, how cool is that!? Oh.. And I guess she got the ability to hold her shade in place, by sacrificing health, too? Like, you can delay the attack. Obviously that’s not as important as the color change.
In terms of narrative changes? 343 turning Master Chief into a soy boy. In terms of tangible gameplay changes? 343 giving Master Chief armour abilities.
Edited by ThyLordIntrovert: 11/7/2018 1:13:45 AMPut it in a spoiler since it got lengthy [spoiler] The valk, Kensai, and orochi reworks in for honor Valk became annoying and spammy, Kensai got a dodge with enough I-frames to allow him to dodge THE ATTACKS OF AN ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM, ON TOP OF HAVING LIGHT ATTACKS THAT DO WAY TO MUCH DAMAGE ... As for orochi, he got undodgeable attacks, AND LIGHT SPAM THATS SO DAMN FAST YOU CANT REACT FAST ENOUGH TO BLOCK LET ALONE PARRY. ...Ok, breath... Actually screw that, let's bring this to a full circle rant MEANWHILE LAWBRINGER MAINS LIKE ME HAVE BEEN WAITING SINCE RELEASE FOR A REWORK THAT ACTUALLY MAKES US EFFECTIVE! HOW THE HELL IS IT FAIR THAT PARRYING MY IMPALE DRAINS ENOUGH STAMINA TO INSTANTLY EXHAUST ME, WHILE IM IN -BLAM-ING REVENGE MODE. BUT NO, LETS REWORK THE CHARACTERS THAT DONT NEED IT. [/spoiler]
Edited by Swiftlock: 11/6/2018 9:15:26 PMHow Capcom gutted poor Juri when going from Street Fighter 4 to Street Fighter 5. In SF4, she was a tricky character with counters, dive kicks, and very flashy combos. SUPER fun to play. She also had one of the coolest looking ultra moves in the game. SF5 took all that away and made her a very underwhelming character overall. And her ultra is much less inspired. -
Eurgh! Tell me about it... In TEKKEN 7, they removed the CH launch properties of Leo's B+1 :(
BlazBlue again. Rachel is a character designed around laying traps, and hazards around the map, and then using a combination of mind games, wind, and her own attacks to push enemies into them. One of her most frequently used traps are these fancy lightning rods, with a pink bat on top. You can have up to 3 out at any time, and trigger them with a simple 214C input, to zap opponents. In BlazBlue Chronophantasma, she got an [i]amazing[/i] buff, where she can now press 22A, or 22B, and the bats will fly off of the staves, and—provided they’re close enough—latch onto the enemy. Then, when you detonate the lightning rods, the lightning will always strike right on top of your opponent. 22B was absolutely useless. It was the exact same thing as 22A, but with a shorter range. So, understandably, in Central Fiction they removed it. The annoying part comes from what they did to 22A. They changed its input from 22A, to 22B. No new move added to 22A or anything, just changing inputs for some reason. I guess they wanted to throw everyone off, since no one used 22B in CP.
The Reaper retcons in Mass Effect 3. Probably not what you meant by "changes" but I don't play much multiplayer games anymore.
Blizzard and Mercy. They kinda trashed my main for a year or so, and that kinda annoys me. Also, I think her rez is way too slow and easy to punish, just take it out for something else at this point! Ever since Moira was released, it's been harder for me to enjoy the game. I mostly play for new comp seasons and events, and that's about it.
Nothing infuriated me more than when bungie decided to nerf Titans in D2 in the most annoying way and kept it like that for months until finally changing it back. Titans have always had the ability to start sprinting and after about 2 seconds, can activate a: - Sholder charge for Arc - Captain America, Purple shield charge for void - Bash with fiery hammer for solar The change in question was limiting the range to almost nothing unless a foe was in you magical, invisible, radius... It was a time unforgivable and thus I didn't touch the game till it came back to normal. The scars, still remain to this day.
Watch and spread the word of 5 star sleeper play, if u thought the sleeper was overpowered then wait till u see this, my skills won’t disappoint plus ull get a kick out of this
Overdrive Cancels in BlazBlue. Sn Overdrive is essentially a super mode, that enhances your character’s Drive move. For instance, Rachel can manipulate the positions of her and her opponent via a wind attack that has 4 recharging uses. Her Overdrive quickens the recharge & strengthens the wind for its duration. Apparently though, something was wrong with that system. Come Central Fiction, Overdrives have another purpose. Hit the Overdrive button again during your Overdrive and it’ll cancel into an attack. These “Overdrive Cancels” are always quick strike, high damaging moves, that can be activated by a single button press. Before, you could counter an Overdrive by either pushing the offensive and preventing them from using its benefits, or stay on the defensive, and just try to endure its onslaught, but thanks to OCs amy time an Overdrive activated defensive is the [i]only[/i] option. Amd let me tell ya, 30 seconds* of running away every time an opponent activates an Overdrive isn’t fun. -.- *I don’t actually know how long Overdrives last.