my game keeps causing my computer to crash and I get a black or blue screen with lines and I have to hard reset it, ill play for about 15 minutes maybe less and it will just crash. I've tried doing the scan and repair, and increasing priority but those did nothing also this is the only game that I have that has this issue. if anyone can tell me how to fix this il will be extremely thankful.
US: Same problem here, i play for some minutes then the game crashes and pop's up a message saying: "There was a problem reading the game content. Please close Destiny 2 and perform the "scan and repair" on the Blizzard App and then restart Destiny 2 to try again." i've already done that many times, as well, reinstalling and Destiny 2 with and without firewall, all my drivers are up to date! BR: Mesmo problema aqui, eu jogo por alguns minutos e do nada o jogo fecha e aparece uma mensagem dizendo: "Houve um problema ao ler o conteúdo do jogo.Favor fechar o Destiny 2, realizar o "escaneamento e reparo" no App da Blizzard e então reiniciar o Destiny 2 para tentar novamente." eu já fiz isso muitas vezes, também como reinstalando o e o Destiny 2 com e sem o firewall, todos os meus drivers estão atualizados!