I send a message to my Native American friend and told him to go hunt a buffalo for me because I was really hungry.
[spoiler]btw limited to soft foods for 2 weeks.[/spoiler]
Told another friend to imagine The Riven from the raid up your ass.[spoiler]thankfully, I warned them that I might send some stupid shit after the surgery because I was really dizzy and lightheaded after that.[/spoiler]
As for the another messages, well...
I leave that up to you.
I’ve never been under anisthesta but it probably be really grumpy for a few hours when I wake up
I guess anesthesia doesn't affect me the same way. When I woke up from getting mine out, I was as coherent as usual, just a little groggy.
I gave my phone to my mom before the surgery and told her not to give it back to me for at least a couple of hours afterwards