Hello! I am Psi0niKK, aka Psi, I am looking for an active clan who's interested in a +1 for any of their main teams or off teams! I am good with doing pretty much whatever! The only catch is y'all have to be okay with me leaving kinda randomly as I perform stay at home care for my father. I play a lot and when I can, I'm just at his beckan call. I look forward to seeing you Guardians!
=ASYLUM= Booze, friends and Gaming. Not much more needed to say. We are a mature clan, respectable, and active clan which plays PvP and PVE. We play all aspects of D2 from Trials, to Raids, to Crucible, to Strikes, to Milestones and even make new characters together. BAND App is mandatory. It's an app for planning events and finding members to play with. Its Free in app store. If you're an active adult who just enjoys playing Destiny 2, and can communicate with other clan members with the band app, this clan is perfect for you! ***Simple rules*** 1. Have a BAND account. 2. Make sure your username on BAND is same as PS4. 3. Be active in BAND -Post in SPECIFIC room when you're in game to see if anyone wants to join you. -Respond to others looking for members to help or have questions. -Respond to bi-weekly Attendance room. -Post in abensce room when away for awhile and to maintain your spot. -Reply to calendar events 5. HAVE A DRINK AND HAVE FUN!!! Our clan ranges from 85 members to 100 because we are constantly filtering through members making sure everyone is active in both game and BAND. We found that BAND works the best for communication purposes. We use BAND for communicating and setting up all clan activities- raids, nightfalls, escalation protocols, gambit, bounties, strikes, crucible, etc. Requirements Age: 18+ Be Mature Have fun, joke, but be respectable Active on Game Active on BAND Note: IF you are inactive ON BAND. Dont join.- That's how this clan communicates. If you are interesting in joining =ASYLUM=, feel free to message me or an admin through this app or on PS4
Darkness Arrives PS4 D2 only 18+ Mic required for raids <------ Discord Required <------------ Having Fun Required <----------- We are a very helpful clan with experienced admins. We have a very well setup discord server(im a bit ocd). Discord is required no exceptions. We are 18+ only. We will take all experience levels. We all like to help each other out with getting things accomplished. We do 14 day inactivity purges. This is so there are always people to help. We are world wide everyone is welcome. Know enough english to communicate. Admin team is very social with all members. Family always comes first before the game no matter the activity being done. Its nothing but cutting up and having fun. We are serious when its needed. After all its just a game. Come join us, come be part of an awesome team. Very laid back clan, no out of the ordinary requirements. Just that Discord is required. That is where all clan chat and help is setup at. Plus the fun of just cuttin up. TLDR: any experience accepted, 18+ only, discord required, family always first, have fun. Darkness Arrives https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=3199593 Darkness Arrives Darkside https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3504770 .
You can join mine, But i am the only member. See the about page for more details Clan is named Meta6 https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3577856
Hey man! ShouldveGoneForTheHead Is looking for players!
We Welcome, Active Gamers looking for a home base We ask that you be willing and able to join our discord. Teamwork is how we get it done. We have members helping each other daily. We've built an amazing community for our members with our 5 xbox - Our community is an active family friendly environment. Whether you’re changing clans, returning or starting out- our door is open and you are welcome to join. Just Added - AU / NZ DIVISION (XB1) MFT~ Down Under Division (AU / NZ) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/AdminSections?groupid=3458635 All of our clans, enjoy everything the game offers- so the choice is yours (XB1) MFT - Special OPS Squad (SOS) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2729509 (XB1) MFT ~ Strategic Performance (STOP) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2950281 (XB1) MOVING FORWARD TOGETHER (MFT) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1152384 (XB1) MFT ~ Combat Assault Team (CATS) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupid=3096879 All clans are Divisions of the “Moving Forward Together” -”MFT Family” Our requirements are simple: MUST JOIN DISCORD, Be respectful & have a good sense of humor. Our goal is to remain drama free. No age restrictions for us (but if you fall into that loud, vulgar, annoying, wild, raging category that doesn't know how to be a part of a team- we'd rather you didn't join) We want to ensure that we balance out nicely and learn from each other. English