originally posted in:Clan Finder
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My old clan hasn't been active for a while and I'm looking for a new one. I haven't played the new raid but I have played the older ones a few. I don't play PVP often but I love Gambit.
https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3205832 We are Sham Pain and we are an active clan with many endgame players. This clan was founded by a husband/wife duo that has played since release day of Destiny 1, which means we have plenty of experience to share. Currently we are in need of some experienced players who enjoy participating in all different aspects of the game. Our only requirements are for players to be active, helpful, friendly and mature. No discord is used here, mic is preferred but not required. Many of us participate in most/all game activities whether it be PvP, PvE, Gambit, Strikes, Nightfalls, etc. We have many high light level players interested in raiding, however we have had difficulties building raid teams. Raiding has been something our clan has been needing and [b]we are looking for some experienced raiders[/b] to help with leading us in this endeavor. [b][u]If you are an experienced player interested in becoming a clan leader for any portion of the game, then join us today![/u][/b] https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3205832